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Archive for September, 2012

A little piece of my mind.

I have just finished a book called The Homeless Mind by Berger which a very interesting book. The basic concept is that technology has taken over so much that we have stopped using our mind. The book sets itself out as a manual indicating the problems that has happens within the modernization and being aware of what this means that we become better equipped to deal with these problems. They believed that the modernization of the world, mainly in the form of technology and politics, has left society scared and confused. This is causing society to separate into two distinctive thought pattern for both the public and private sphere. This in turn means that the individual feel distant from society as a whole and becomes more and more isolated within the private sphere. This is what is termed within the book as psychological homelessness, hence the title of the book. However, the book has no easy conclusion to realign the homeless mind within the modernised society. They do have many ideas and theories that the reader is bombarded with and it would be difficult to give them all a space within this blog. This seems to be a issue for Berger and often uses loaded words instead of paragraphs of information and this means a loss in the flow of the text. This is a book that was written in 70’s and I do not think technology is tying us to the home as it use to and yet I think the mind is still homeless.

A picture of love

Despite saying that I would never do on-line dating I have finally set up an account doing just that. I feel a little odd going through page after page of random face and making judgements on their picture and the few words that they write about themselves. This is why I am allow them to come to me and not vice averse. I am well aware that we are judging people everyday of our life but this seems very harsh. I’m not sure what my alternative is. Wish me luck either way.

Mabon Kitchen

Mabon is the time of the second harvest. The lands fertility is waning as the Goddess enters the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. This is the time to give thanks to the grain God and Goddess. The foods at the time are grain based especially corn. It is time to honour the corn Goddess Demeter and the Mesopotamian goddesses such as Ashnan, Nissaba, and Ninbarshegunu. The God that tends to be worshipped at this time is Thor and the Green Man. Corn, beans and squash are the foods that are associated at this time. This can be turned into a nice bacon and corn chowder, or for the vegetarians corn, bean and squash stew. A home made loaf would not only be nice to dunk into these dishes but would make an appropriate offering to the Gods. Local or even home brew beer would be a great drink to accompany this ritual.

The Homeless Spirit

As I walked this path, I can not see what you see,
I can not see the beauty, I just want to flee.
Scummy water, discarded rubbish, dog poo,
I’m here now, and there is nothing I can do.
I can not see what brought you to this place,
And as we walk I can not keep to your pace.
Then all of a sudden, we passed through a veil,
The place opened up to a grander scale.
The beauty of the place started to shine through,
Wild flowers homes to hidden shrews.
Quietly, unobtrusively as not to frighten us away,
Blossoming more than flowers in May.
Willows bent under the sheer weight of their vigour,
Touching it made me want to snigger.
A wildness that was free yet controlled,
A world shimmer in the colour of green gold.
With every step my heart and soul grew lighter,
I become more of the lover, less of the fighter.
I seem to shed the layers of everyday,
And all those things I can never drive away.
The pain, the hurt, the tedium,
Never reaching that happy medium.
To come here, this shiny glory,
Is a whole different story.
To the place to first captured your soul,
A place that made you spiritual whole.
The glorious ash tree so magnificent to behold,
A celebration of peace seemed to take hold.
As we sat and mediated the ash shared with me,
A vision that buzzed about me like a bee.
I saw myself as a Goddess, calmed from my rage,
But I was starting life on a new page.
Kneeling with my loves head on my lap,
Blissfully taking a dreamless nap.
I gently stroke your face and kiss your forehead,
No longer seeing love as a bitter warhead.
And then you leave me to follow your own love,
Like peace following the rock dove.
Now that I had calmed your angelic fears,
A swamp being created by my tears.
You walk away from me and just when you’re nearly gone,
Now that you all that you’d bet your life on.
You both turn and beckon me to follow,
A joy that did not leave me hollow.
To stay one step behind you both,
To catch you would be my oath.
I sharply return to stone cold reality,
Fallen back into my locality.
The tickling spider crawl on my breast,
I knew I should have been better dressed.
This journey was more than a vision but a life choice,
I can sing on the top of my hardened voice.
You have to walk through the mess and the pain,
To see the rainbows of happiness again.

Wild Funeral

I recently came across a comment about living funerals and I’m not sure about this concept. A living funeral is, in essence a funeral that you are alive for. You lie in a coffin, make yourself look dead and listen to people say good (or bad, depending on who you are) things about you. I suppose a funeral is the best party you get to go to. I believe that your spirit, essence, whatever you call it is at a funeral anyway and you’d hear what was being said. I suppose the benefit of a living funeral is you get to eat and drink whatever on offer, but this could lead to a Scrooge inspired epiphany if you do not realise how unloved or horrible you are. The worry would be that this becomes a fad amongst those celebrities that have more money than sense and turns this in a gaudy excuse for a night of debauchery. Several celebrities such as Katie Price, Elton John and Victoria Beckham have already turned the sacred act of a wedding into a farce, why not a funeral as well? Not that I’m indicating that this is likely to happen in the near future for any of them. Is it something I would do? Probably not, I think pretending to be dead is just asking for it to come true, and if you have true friends then they will tell you now, without the funeral if you are a nice or horrible person. If you are reading this and thinking you do not have such friends then would a living funeral make much difference?

Written in dullness

It struck me yesterday how dull and boring I have become. I no longer drink to excess, touch soft drugs, or have copious and imaginative amounts of sex. Is this not just a sign of maturity? I have no one who depends on me, and apart from not being able to afford it, there seems to be no reason not to indulge in these “sins”. It is not even that which bothered me, to be honest I enjoy drinking and still do but not to excess, I do not miss the drugs or the cigarettes, but I could do with more sex in my life. I’m not even sure the body could cope with it any more. What bothered me was that I stood waiting on the roadside for the little green man to appear that was the true indication of how dull I’d become. Part of me wants to return to those days, when I did not care and abused my body, but that was not all I was abusing and those days will not come back. Or is there a middle ground, bringing some excitement to my life with the confines of “normality”, going out and drinking and socializing more, but with things I do not know always go to and then makes it more special, like a tribute concert I went to recently. The only problem is when you hit that happy high, it seems a long and fast fall back. I think that is ultimately the problem I am scared to be happy, because it only makes the depression harder.