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Poor Fairies

Fire fairies have been on this Earth since it was created of stars and residues in volcanoes and molten lava. Beneath the earth surface fire fairies apply pressure to carbon to create crystal structures. As the pressure increases then these crystals are pushed towards the earth’s surface. When discovered by humans, they call these crystals structures diamonds. Every real diamond is made with the combination of fire and pressure and each one is a gift from the fire fairies. Fire fairies love volcanoes and see it as their own personal playground, sliding down the lava like a water slide all the way to the water causing a lot of steam which pleases most water fairies, some get boiling mad, while others bubble with the giggles. While it seems odd to us, fire and water fairies can play together. Fire fairies need to be controlled and it is something that humans do not do very well.

It is wise to steer clear of a fire fairy when it is set free. They are not mean or evil, they are just unpredictable. They are just what they are. And if you are not prepared then you could get swept up in their madness. If this happens ask them kindly to calm things down. There do, after all have a gentle side, they bring warmth and beauty to the world. However, all types of fire must be watched over. A small spark can be fanned into flames given the right conditions. Fire is the energy given off by fire fairies, they feed off the things that the flames consume. The bigger the hungry, the greater the devastation, like great forest fires.

Comments on: "Poor Fairies" (3)

  1. Silverangel2011 said:

    Nice, Thank you.

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